Thursday, February 18, 2016

Open for Business - Rodan + Fields

Why do I post about Rodan + Fields every day? 
I am a business owner. I work virtually through my phone or 
laptop. Just as if I were to own a brick-and-mortar store, I
would have to go in and turn on my "OPEN" sign to let you 
know I'm there, my business is open and I'm ready to help.
This is how I show you my products, exactly what they can 
do for you, as well as share with you a once in a lifetime 
business opportunity. I'm consistent. I go to "work" everyday 
and I want you to see my dedication, commitment and 
consistency. I'm here for you, to help you. 
love this company, what it stands for, what it has done for 
not only myself but so many others, and what it 
Sharing is caring and my business is big business with small 
business customer service and products that change lives. 
That makes for a great business!
Come on in, my light's always on...

Lisha Martindale

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