Thursday, February 25, 2016

Let's Clarify Things about Rodan + Fields

Maybe you've considered Rodan + Fields, but these questions have stopped you in your tracks. Let me clarify...
1. "Is it one of those pyramid schemes?"
You mean where all the people on the top make all the money, take the long vacations, fly on jets, and get all the stock options while the people on the bottom work the most for the least amount of money and get 2-3 weeks vacation every year? No!!! That's called Corporate America.
2. "Are you trying to make money off me?"
No, I'm trying to make money WITH you.
3. "Why does it cost money to sign up?"
Because it's a business, not a job. You are becoming a business owner and your startup kit with the product portfolio is your "store". And to put it in perspective, where else could you start your own business for less than $1,000?
4. "Is it a scam?"
I would never try to mislead my friends and family - many of whom are now enjoying the benefits of amazing skin. Two of the most respected dermatologists in the world, who also own ProActiv wouldn't base their next business on a "scam." Social commerce is changing the landscape and opportunities like this have emerged.
5. "How long before I make money?"
I have the steps to success and all of the tools you need to make money. However, YOU determine your success. Nothing will ever be handed to you, it's all up to YOU. This business works if you do.
6. "My friend said this doesn't work."
No, your friend just didn't work.
7. "Can I try it for a month and see how I do?"
YES, you actually have 60 days to try it.
With new business management tools, 
our upcoming launch in Australia, outstanding team support, 
and so much more...2016 is THE year! 
Decide today how YOUR tomorrow will look!
Message me and let's chat!! THIS could TRANSFORM your LIFE!

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